NEURO sciences
NEURO sciences
The Institute of Neuroscience aims to provide the best clinical outcomes in the fields of Neurology and Neuro Surgery at an affordable cost. The department houses a Neuro Navigation System for the first time in Bihar and Jharkhand.
The highlights of the Institute include:
Dedicated team of Neurosurgeons, Neurointensivists, Neurologists, and Neurophysiotherapists
Neuro nurses providing round-the-clock care to neuro patients
Advanced Neuro Intensive Care facilities
Teleconsultation (eICU) services
Multi-disciplinary approach for providing care to serious polytrauma patients
Stroke Unit
At Himalayan Hospital, we are committed to excellence in neurological care.

what we treat
Brain And Spinal Disorder
The Himalaya Institute of Neurosciences is proud to provide comprehensive care for all types of brain and spinal disorders, delivered by a team of meticulously selected professionals. Our highly trained specialists are dedicated to handling both emergency and routine cases, including:
Head and spine injuries
Brain and spine infections
Brain and spinal tumors
Stereotactic neurosurgery
Endoscopic neurosurgery
Minimally invasive neurosurgery
Childhood neurological diseases
ICP monitoring
Spine surgery, including all types of fusions and pain surgery with spinal cord stimulation
Microdiscectomy (lumbar and cervical)
All types of spinal surgery for fractures and malignancies
Microsurgery for intradural and intramedullary tumors
Corrective surgery in collaboration with spine surgeons
Advanced Neuro Microscope With Fluorescence
Thrombolysis, Carodit Stenting, Stroke Surgery.
Rapid access 24×7 Helpline form management of stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attacks
Stroke Review and Prevention Services
Multi-disciplinary Stroke and Neurological Rehabilitation & Management of Spasticity
Specialised Neurological Acute Care for diseases like Epilepsy & Migraine